Wednesday 10 December 2008

Final Link to Our Time Line


Simply Click below to visit our time line.


Spaced Out Flux Team

Final Link to Our Time Line

Himply Click below to visit our time line.


Husien and all Spaced Out Flux Team

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Fashion Link

I know it was late but the link for fashion s finally done. Can you please attach this to the main website so we can complete the task.

Steph L

Sunday 7 December 2008


Hey Husein, sorry just realised when I clicked on the link. You updated it anyway!
Thanks. See you all later.

my link

Hey guys, here is my link:

Husein I emailed you earlyer because I made a new site, its all done. The link above is the new one.
See you all tommorow!

Link for the main page

thanks to all links


P.s still Steph's link in missing.

My pages online!

Hope there ok!


Hey Guys,

I'm finished, at last, over a week of making. Please feel free to check it out.


I was a bit annoyed we couldn't all get together on Saturday, and that i was the only one there at 11am :( Hopefully we can spend time over lunch tomorrow to go over things.

Husien can u post the link for the main page? thanks.



Lins request by Husien

Hi to all,
As Kristine and Steph couldnt make of meeting yesterday to know exactly what we are going to do, I am urgently need these two people's website links by tonight as we have presentation tomorrow. Other team member were very disappoited from lack of commitment from other team members, so we all need to work as much as each other not LESS. I have giving it my other time to do this work and our group do lot better than others, so please make this effort and send me your finished link.



Sorry ....

Hi guys,

Sorry for not making the meeting on Saturday. I tried to get time off but I couldn't at short notice.

Did I miss anything?

Can you let me know whats going on so I can totally finish off the timeline for Fashion and it can be completed.


Steph L

Wednesday 3 December 2008

are these ok?

what do i have to do with them if they are ok?... i cant do it if you dont tell me, i know i havent been in but im trying!
plus i liked the web page with the pages hanging down more then the other!


Political Timeline

Hey Guys

My side of things is coming along, if you want to link to my site please do. Here's the url.

love lots



Monday 1 December 2008

Fashion Templates

Hi guys,

Here are a few templates that I have done for the timeline. After our discussion about the website I will get them sorted into links for you soon.

Template 1

Template 2

Template 3

Stephanie L

Font problem ??

Hi guys,

I'm liking the new layout for this blog, but I have a few problems with the font on this page. I think it should be bolder thats all so its easier to read.


Stephanie L

Sunday 30 November 2008

main blog


Saturday 29 November 2008

Hey guys

I have created a Flash vid of the presentation. It'll take ALOT of extra work to get it to be interactive. We may have to settle with something less complex. :(


Thursday 27 November 2008


I think so, because it so simple with that website but i dont know anything about flash so i try as well but for this short time i think we might need to use W as i bet none of other know lot about Flash CS3.


Wednesday 26 November 2008

Husien i have tried mucking about with flash, i really think we can give it a shot, if we keep the animations simple, we should be able to get it finished.



Monday 24 November 2008

Check this out

New ideas please dont spread it around, it might get copied again. see what i have done , this is the best free one we can use
Ask me for the link, because this is the invent just made for this project and dont want to be discovered by other groups. See what I have made . You going to love this.



Here is my template guys. xxxxxxxxx

timeline pages?

hey guys sorry im not in... ive done what i thinks write for the timeline, could you just have a look at it and let me know whether it is ok? --- its on my blog:
and if you discuss anything new can you let me know

Sunday 23 November 2008

Some helps


Saturday 22 November 2008

The actual time Line

Hi Guys,

I think i have done some mistake on the below images, but thats only our smaple work, but Here I have found the right time we are doing, so everyone needs to follow this.



Here is the smaple

Hi here is the sample that how the template is going to work.

Simply click on first three text and try how it works, I have navigate them to some websites.

Needs comment


Disppointment (Husien)

Hi Guys,
I am very disapointed as I have already emailed everyone to leave comment on the works that i have been working on as a general template. But I have not even recieved a feedback from any of you. This is not going to work with only one person because I need feedback from improvement. I now also know how to create an easy simple stage we can carry out to like all our work on internet. As all the images like below has been saved in photoshop, I can use slice tool and add url to the slice where it need to be clicked on and takes you to that actual place (if you save it as web page and Devices.

I need your feedback on this matter if you want me to use my domain to upload all our work.

Best wishes


Friday 21 November 2008

Front Page template(Husien's version)

click to view larger image

Leave comment if you agree with my template.


Combining Images into a Panoramic using Photomerge

Here is another idea we can use to join our PDF files together next to one another

1) Open the images you want to combine. This step isn’t required, but I find it easier and more straightforward to open and view the images prior to merging them.

Below are the two images I am going to merge together. Notice there is a part of the image duplicated in both images. Some duplication within the images aids in merging the photos together.

Two Images to combine

Two Images to combine

This opens the dialog box that lets you select the images you want to merge. Since I open the images prior to selecting Photomerge, I select Open Files at this point. If you don’t open the image prior to selecting Photomerge, you can select Browse and navigate to the desired images. You can also select the desired layout on this screen. I usually stick with the Auto layout, but other useful options are available. The interactive option gives you an opportunity to align the images together after Photoshop has aligned them.

Photomerge Dialog Box

Photomerge Dialog Box

After clicking OK in the Photomerge dialog box, Photoshop begins merging the desired images. You will notice several windows flash open, then close again during this process. If Photoshop is unable to merge an image (cannot match up adjacent photos), it will give you a warning message.

When the process is complete, a new window opens with the images merged together.

Merged Image

Merged Image

At this point, I will crop the merged image to delete any extraneous space around the perimeter of the image. The final result is:

Cropped Merge Image

Cropped Merge Image

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, this process works best with images taken from the same spot and with some duplication in the images. I have used this feature where I did not follow these recommendations and the resulting image is less than satisfactory. It is obviously a merged image with a noticeable ‘line’ where the images come together.

So, when taking your panorama pics use your body as a tripod. Keep one foot firmly planted and rotate your body as you take photos in a 360-degree cirlce. Remember to duplicate at least part of the scene from one image to the next.

What you think comment on it please.


Presentation idea from Husien

Hi Guys

I have been looking around to how we can present this project. As we already spoke, this needs to be in PDF file. I have found a way to create this with simple photoshop skill. Here I provide the guideline for it and you can try it out at home with using different images as our simple template is going to be saved as.
so here is the instruction: simply open photoshop and then file, scrol down to automate and then PDF presentation. As soon as the box appeared click on browse to select as many images you want and then click on output as presentation and click ok. then the file asks you to save as PDF and view it, this can be some of the ideas we can use.

So what you think? give me some feedback if you like or not then i can follow the rest of brief.



Tuesday 18 November 2008


Notes from the lesson. (Consistency within the groups layout).

Monday 17 November 2008

ReD On BlacK



example of individual page layout

Example of front page timeline

Friday 7 November 2008


Hi Guys
This is to intention William and others who don't know what are their tasks.
Andrew= politics
Husien= Graphic
Kristin= Music
Steph = Fashion
william= War or Technology
Also william you need to pick an artist on out time line and create the communication with his/her via post card.


Thursday 6 November 2008




Hi guys,
we need to know what corner we are going to do individually.
We have up for grabs these sections.
Politics/war, Music, Art, Fashion, Technology, Graphics, Economy
and any others you can think of.
Please put your name down for a section you wish to do. Make it a new post, clearly stating your name and what section you have chosen.
First come first served OK.
Any problems email me.
Thanks team!

Monday 3 November 2008

welcome to space

Hi guys, welcome to our time corner and hope we work hard on this project to aim the best.

Best Wishes
